Note from the Bishop
The September Sodality of Charity meeting was both well attended and well organized and ever so enjoyable and edifying! How’s that for what I personally thought of it! The highlight of the morning was the revealing of the new names of our oblates. Fr. Lehtoranta, as he told the children the names, gave a nice talk about the saints who once bore them. Sr. Cecilia is now Sr. Eulalia of the Holy Child Jesus Doctor of the Sick; Sr. Grace is now Sr. Ulrica of Our Lady of the Sacred Heart. The next day, Sunday, those who came to the Solemn High Mass were able to witness the charming ceremony of the Investiture of the oblates—in which he Sisters received the Medal of the Holy Face. Now that I’m thinking of it, we have had much reason to celebrate, of late. In the midst of so many sorrows Our Lord, in His goodness, always sends consolations to give us courage.
Speaking of sorrows, the feast of Our Lady of Sorrows on Thursday was, for us at St. Gertrude’s, happily celebrated with another beautiful Solemn High Mass. How grateful we should be for such blessings, so rare in these days of the Great Apostasy predicted by St. Paul. Fr. Ojeka had some special trials in his missionary travels that day and was not able to offer Mass. I have included in this bulletin his own narration of the happenings. It was quite the adventure!
I hope you’ll permit me to offer some pastoral advice; after all, a bishop is charged to watch over his flock—both priests and laity. His job is to protect the little lambs from wolves and from all things hurtful, even when the lambs would rather not hear what the shepherd has to say. It’s the story of every one of us! Do watch and keep your eyes open to what is going on with the centralization of a global digital currency. It is all part of the plandemic and another big step towards the completion of the New World Order, and more. These events, although they do involve politics, are not merely political—they go much deeper than that. But Divine Providence always arranges things so sweetly!
Today is our annual parish picnic at Sharon woods. A map to the exact location in the park is enclosed. I hope you all have a delightful time.
– Bishop McGuire