Note from the Bishop
I’ve noticed that our Fall animals are starting to come back. We had a skunk on the property all summer. He’s been around since he was a tiny thing and would often be seen patrolling the property. I haven’t seen him for a good while. I hope nothing happened to him. The pack of coyotes that usually comes around this time of year is in the area. I saw a lone one just down the road. Last winter we had eight deer who would graze up behind the rectory—it was neat seeing the little spotted fawn exchange his spots for a set of stubby little antlers. This year I’ve only seen one buck on the property. I wonder if it’s the same one.
On Tuesday, a few Simpsons and a couple of Lawrences cleaned out and tidied up the garage and the little storage shed beside it. It was quite the daunting task, but they managed to finish it in about four and a half hours or so. I am very thankful to them for their help.
Advent starts today. It’s a proper one, too. Since Christmas falls on a Sunday we have a full four weeks of Advent. That leaves us four weeks to prepare for Our Lord’s coming. No, I’m not talking about preparing the Christmas trees and decorating the house and planning the meals. Too many people, concentrating so hard on all that, never really get around to the fervent preparation of their hearts wherein the Infant Savior Who was given no place on the first Christmas wishes to dwell. If you want a truly peaceful Christmas, it isn’t the Christmas music and all the gifts that will help, rather it is making Advent a season of prayer, penance and the works of mercy that will prepare the way for peace and the Prince of Peace.
I hope you all had a pleasant Thanksgiving, and now I pray that you have a profitable Advent.
– Bishop McGuire