Note from the Bishop
Today is the feast of the great Bishop and Doctor of the Church, St. Francis de Sales. It is a very special feast, observed with an octave here at St. Gertrude’s, since he was named patron of the Archdiocese of Cincinnati well before Vatican II. This is why the Mass today is that of St. Francis rather than that of the fourth Sunday after the Epiphany. We will be dedicating our Lenten season and devotions to this dear saint.
Ever since the summer months, Fr. Hecquard has been asking me to come to France to do Confirmations in Rennes and Chambèry, but I have had to put it off because of the general changes in the parish of the last half year, and also because of the fact that I did not have a passport until last month. So I am due, at long last, to go to France on the 8th of February. They haven’t had a visit from a bishop since before Fr. Cekada’s illness and then all of the plandemic, so it is important that they be visited and cared for. I look forward to seeing these good priests and their faithful once again.
The school has just finished their busy exam week and I pray that all did well. Exam week is a hectic time not only for the students, but for the teachers as well, who have to first make the exams and then grade them and put out report cards. The work of a Catholic school teacher is difficult and is mostly a thankless task, but is one of the most important jobs of all. St. John Bosco said, “If we want to have a good society, we must concentrate all our forces on the Christian education of the young. Experience has taught me that if we wish to sustain civil society then we should take good care of the young.” How true this is!
Don’t forget the feast days this week, especially Candlemas on Thursday! Come for the beautiful blessing of candles ceremony and solemn High Mass. The ceremonies will be followed by our annual Winter Soup Supper, which is always a pleasant evening with fellow Catholics united in the true Faith established by Our Lord Himself. The next day is St. Blaise’s feast day, and the Blessing of Throats will be given after all the Masses. It’s also the First Friday of the month with All Night Adoration. Don’t forget to come and spend a little extra time with our Savior, even if it isn’t for an entire hour!
I promise extra prayers for all of you on the feast of St. Francis de Sales. May he be your guide this coming Lent and all through life.
– Bishop McGuire