News 3/14/2023: Episcopal Consecration Announcement
The Bishop’s Note
Well, the Sisters’ cat with a million names is doing just fine, according to the Vet. She is partly bald since Mrs. Smith came and removed all the matting that developed from lack of care. Fr. McKenna calls the cat Rumpy Cat now. I think she has also been called Fluffy, Kitty, Penelope, Penny, Azul, Angel, etc. I am still not sure what her official name is though. We have trouble with cat names around here, apparently. I am fine with Fluffy or just plain Cat. Margaret Sutton’s tabby cat, Dickens, has been spotted several times now. Please say a prayer to St. Francis that we can catch her and return her to Miss Sutton. I know your prayers will help!
It is starting to get busy around church now as everyone is preparing for Holy Week. The choir has been diligently preparing for a while now. There is a lot of singing that goes into Holy Week and it must be no easy task to learn or even to review it all. Paddy Omlor, our MC, isn’t able to make the Holy Week ceremonies this year, so Christopher Richesson, Thomas Lawrence, and Michael Simpson (our other three MCs) are running the show this year. We don’t have many Holy Week veterans this year. A new bishop, new priests, a new sacristan, new MCs, young sacristy helpers, a couple of new choir members…oh! I am so proud of them. I am very much looking forward to doing Holy Week with them and am so confident that they will do a wonderful job. I am so thankful to our “veterans” as well. It goes without saying that their work is much appreciated and that Holy Week never has been so beautiful without you.
Carrie, the mule, should be joining the Palm Sunday procession today. St. Francis de Sales wrote a sermon on the qualities of a donkey and why it is that Our Lord chose this animal for His triumphant entrance into Jerusalem. I included a little part of it in today’s bulletin. I hope it makes up for what St. Francis said about mules earlier this Lent!
Lent is nearly over now and the joys of Easter will soon be here. How was your Lent? Did you stick to your resolutions? Whether you did or not, these last few days of Holy Week with all of the ceremonies is an opportunity from heaven to make up for it all or to perfect it. May Our Lord see you in church!
– Bishop McGuire