The Bishop’s Note
Truly, this has been a week filled with blessings. The last two Saturdays we had the happy occasion of seeing two separate weddings. May Our Lady and the good St. Joseph grant these two couples many happy years together on earth and an eternity of bliss in heaven. In between the weddings there was the first year anniversary of the death of Bishop Dolan, properly remembered with a Pontifical Requiem Mass. The school choir sang wonderfully and I know that the Bishop would have been proud of them. Meanwhile the Sunday choir managed to come back that same evening to practice for a wedding, the Sunday Mass, and the consecration. May God reward their labors.
Speaking of getting ready for the consecration, Fr. Nkamuke has finished his retreat and has received most of his episcopal garments, some of which Sarah Simpson worked to complete. Bishop da Silva and Fr. Ercoli have both arrived. Fr. Ercoli is helping Fr. Ahern in some of the mission chapels in Michigan but will be back this evening. The Caggeso family, with the help of Karla Lawrence, is preparing for the reception after the consecration and the sacristans have been busy with flowers and ironing and all sorts of things, and the servers reviewing their rubrics and holding practices. In one more day the Catholic Church will have another bishop, one who is uncompromising in his Faith. Deo gratias et Mariae!
As we begin this month of May, Mary’s month, we mustn’t forget our May altars! Take all your intentions and lay them at Our Lady’s feet. Under her mantle you will always be protected.
– Bishop McGuire