Solemnity of Corpus Christi

The Bishop’s Note
The fourth joyful mystery of the Rosary comes to mind these days. The day of Our Lord’s Presentation in the Temple and Our Lady’s Purification was filled with a mixture of august joys and deep sorrows. Simeon and Anna’s joy in seeing with their own eyes the arrival of the Infant Who would be the Redeemer of all mankind was turned into sorrow for Our Lady, as the aged Simeon prophesied the approaching sufferings of the Messias and the Mother of God. This mystery portrays every man’s life on earth.

Last Sunday was the feast of the Blessed Trinity. Isn’t it interesting that the greatest mystery of our Faith has the shortest Mass of the year? Interesting, but it makes sense. After all, what does one say in the face of mystery!? O the depths of the wisdom of God! The depths of His wisdom can never be fathomed by man. I think, too, this is a good lesson for our school children who graduated that day. True wisdom is not found in the books of universities, rather is it found on our knees before the tabernacle.

Speaking of the tabernacle, Thursday’s feast of Corpus Christi was a happy event as both priest and laity united in prayer all day long before the Blessed Sacrament. “God with us” is what Emmanuel means, and truly our God, the Creator and governor of the universe and all that is in it, is with us right here in West Chester, Ohio. Don’t ever forget it. He is with us in joyful times as well as sad times, times of prosperity and times of want. The same God Whom we read about in the New Testament, Who shed His Blood so that we might go to Heaven forever…this God dwells with us! Observe the Corpus Christi Octave devoutly; make sacrifices to attend an extra Mass or even just a visit to the Blessed Sacrament on your way to or from work.

Friday…oh how bittersweet! It was the burial of my mother. My siblings and I will miss her terribly, but there is no greater privilege for a priest-son to usher out of this life and into eternity the very ones who brought us into this life. My mother, I truly believe, had a holy ending, and I attribute that to the fact that so many of you good souls were offering prayers to God on her behalf. I will never be able to respond to all of the encouraging messages and promises of prayer for my mother and the family. So please know that it did not go unnoticed and that, in turn for your charity, I am praying for each and every one of you.

While I am in Seattle confirming some of Fr. Ercoli’s parishioners, Fr. Lehtoranta is taking care of giving First Holy Communion to one of our biggest classes of communicants in St. Gertrude’s history. I am sure it was a splendid ceremony and I hope to hear all about it when I return on Tuesday in time for the second of this year’s Fatima Rosary Processions and the feast of St. Anthony of Padua. Oh! and don’t forget about the Summer Novena which starts that day!

Time to sign off now. I’ll say an extra prayer before the Blessed Sacrament for your needs. O Sacrament most holy, O Sacrament divine, all praise and all thanksgiving be every moment Thine!

– Bishop McGuire