Jean Bischel’s obituary and visitation/funeral schedule.
The Bishop’s Note
Just over a month has passed since my mother’s happy death, and we are preparing the funeral of a true champion of our Faith, Mrs. Jean Bischel. My mother always liked talking with her but was always terrible with names and referred to Jean as “the lady with the pretty hat.” Kirby and Jean, as I recall, used to help take care of Bishop’s garden and always did a very nice job. They always did love gardening! They always loved their Mass and the Rosary as well, much to everyone’s edification here at St. Gertrude’s. Jean’s funeral Mass is scheduled for Monday morning at 9:00. Come and pray for her if you are able. May she rest in peace!
The YAG started on Friday and ends today. It is always a fun time and so very encouraging to see our Catholic youth from all over the country. The importance of good Catholic friendships can never be talked about enough; and even more, marriages between two Catholics of like mind can never be insisted upon enough. My hat’s (well, biretta) off to Colleen Eldracher for once again arranging the YAG. She spent all day July 4th decorating and planning here at church. Of course, she had some loyal helpers in Judy Metz and William Long.
Fr. McKenna had a nice time in Scotland, but reports that he did not see any monster at Loch Ness when he drove past the place where “sightings” have been talked about. He bought me a nice little gift, some odd looking cuff links made from sheep’s wool and plaid as one would see on a kilt. They are goofy looking, but I do kind of like them. Thanks, Father! Fr. Brueggemann had a much-needed in-home vacation this past week, staying here but traveling to Kentucky each day to spend time with his family. Fr. Lehtoranta is back home in Finland spending time with his mother. I am so very happy for him and his parents. It has been too long since they have been able to see one another. Fr. Simpson needs to get away soon, too. Everyone needs a break at some point lest he reach a breaking point. We are human, after all, and we must at times give rest to our bodies and refreshment to our souls so that we are better able to serve God with both.
Fr. Contreras and Fr. Richards, from the Companions of Jesus and Mary, are with us for a few days this week. If you see them, stop to say hello. After visiting with them, I am off to Milwaukee for Confirmations and then to Seattle for a week to give a priests’ retreat. Fathers Simpson and Brueggemann will be attending the retreat while Fr. McKenna mans the fort alone. The cats will have to make sure he keeps out of trouble. Oh! the cats! I hope he remembers to feed them and take good care of them. I’m signing off now, but I never stop praying for you and your intentions. May Our Lady keep you beneath her protecting mantle now and always.
– Bishop McGuire