Recent Articles By Fr. Lehtoranta, including a new article on Conditional Baptism
The Bishop’s Note
Last Sunday was quite the busy Sunday even with four priests, but oh how glorious a day it was! We had the usual four Masses, confessions, Vespers and Benediction, and all the socializing between Masses. I am very thankful to Fr. Brueggemann for having agreed to preach. He gave a fine sermon. We capped off the day in the best way possible, with the Fatima Rosary procession. I never did hear how many souls attended, but they were still rolling in even after we started. I do apologize for starting without some of you, but last month’s procession ran quite late for some reason and I wanted to make sure to start as scheduled this time around. You know how fast some habits start forming, after all! In any event, it was the perfect ending to a beautiful Sunday!
It was back to work on Monday as Mr. Lotarski and Florence Swinney spent the day planning the upcoming school year. Sr. Eulalia spent the day decorating the church with all the different shrines, even changing the gowns on the Infants, while Fr. Brueggemann did all of my old work setting up for the Pontifical Mass. Fr. Simpson was tied up in a multitude of tasks, either helping in the sacristy or doing maintenance work around church. Theresa has been patiently dealing with the usual things that need to be done in a church office, including working on several weeks’ worth of Sunday programs and bulletins. She does keep herself busy in the office. I am so very grateful for her work and for all of her patience. We really do have the best group of people working together here at St. Gertrude’s. It is a source of great encouragement to me as pastor. Deo gratias!
Tuesday’s Holy Day, the Assumption, was everything it should have been. The morning skies were cloudy at first, but the blue was slowly peeking through the gray. I couldn’t help but notice how the sun really shone brightly during the blessing of herbs. Something like that always happens around here. It must be a sign that heaven is well pleased. The Pontifical Mass went off without a hitch. Christopher Richesson, one of our trusty MCs, caught me on two mistakes in the vesting and discreetly corrected me on them. He has become a very knowledgeable Master of Ceremonies. That, I believe, is one of the many positive things that comes from being at our school. Exposure to the many ceremonies and the daily High Masses really helps a child to learn about the sacred liturgy.
Fr. Lehtoranta was in Milwaukee this past weekend but returned home after the Assumption. Fr. Thielen has really been making terrific strides to recovering his health and his stamina. He did, however, come down with a nasty cold this week. Other than that he is doing so much better than he was. I am away on vacation for a little bit, but be assured that I am not ever far away from you in my thoughts and certainly not in my prayers. You and your intentions are always remembered in them. Do please remember to pray for me and your priests.
One of the air conditioning units at the rectory gave out last Wednesday and we now have to buy a new one. They are not cheap, by any means. It has lasted since we moved here back in the early 2000s, so I guess that is pretty good considering how they build things nowadays. We are still waiting to get some of the stone work done on the parts of the church where the stones themselves have fallen off or are not secure. After that we are planning to finish the rest of the cloister floor. I am not sure what the hold up is, but I hope the ball starts rolling again soon. The gardens have been taken care of, the trees trimmed, and both the Fatima Shrine and the Lourdes Grotto look quite nice once again. All of the outdoor Stations have been “adopted.” Thank you one and all!
I am looking forward to hearing news about the Friday Game Night that went on this week. The last one sounded like so much fun. One of these days I might actually be in town for it and see for myself what an enjoyable evening it is!
The Assumption Octave ends this Tuesday with the feast of the Immaculate Heart of Mary and the St. Anthony Novena. Do make an effort to come honor Our Lady and to pray for an end to Communism. In the end, her Immaculate Heart will triumph, but how glorious it will be when we can say that we took the time to honor this heart which has suffered so much for our sake.
– Bishop McGuire