Bishop’s Note
Fr. Lehtoranta filled us in on the Sodality’s excursion to Maria Stein last weekend and said that everything went very smoothly. The weather held out, but it was still a little cold. The bus driver accidentally bumped the switch and turned off the heat on the way up, which left the girls feeling a little cold, but that didn’t take the joy out of riding on a school bus for the first time. I heard they really enjoyed it! Thankfully, these girls do not have to ride the bus to public school as so many of us did growing up. Most, if not all, of these young ladies attend Catholic school or are homeschooled. Deo gratias! Father said the shrine was not as busy as it was when he last visited, so everyone was able to take their time and really enjoy seeing all the different relics.
I took a trip to Chillicothe with my uncle last Tuesday to get some work done. It was a nice visit with him and with my sister and niece, who met up with us. After all the business, we stopped by our old school, which was called St. Peter’s when my mother and uncle attended, and Bishop Flaget when my siblings and I attended. Above the main entrance is inscribed the words of Our Lord: “Sinite Parvulos Venire” (Suffer the Children to Come). I was very touched by that. I don’t remember seeing that as a kid, and I certainly would not have understood it if I did.
Speaking of the children, we had sixty of them for the Day of Recollection on Wednesday. Most of them were younger than twelve. I cannot remember having so many. I heard Fr. Lehtoranta gave a really nice opening talk. The highlight of my day with them was the Rosary in church. I don’t think anything this side of heaven could have sounded so angelic. Storytime with the youngest was quite entertaining, too, as we read about Whupsy the Angel…one of the best children’s stories I have ever read!
I am all out of news for now, but will keep you up to date on things as I can. May the angels help you to persevere!
– Bishop McGuire