Bishop’s Note
Today is Corpus Christi Sunday, a
very fitting day for a First Holy Communion, and a renewal of our own fervor in receiving this precious Sacrament. Do you remember your First Holy Communion? Personally, I have no recollection of my first real Holy Communion since my First “Holy Communion” was in the Novus Ordo. Those of us who grew up in the Novus Ordo and there received First Communion only got a party and no Sacrament. Ah! but to be fortunate enough to have been called to the true Faith later in life is something to be thankful for. Today, however, it is not about us. No, today is about a story of love between two hearts. It is the true story of the infinite love of the Sacred Heart pursuing the hearts of our First Communicants. He has been waiting years for this moment when He gives His own Heart to them in Holy Communion, union of which no human being could ever imagine himself to be worthy. May the innocent hearts of our children who receive Our Lord today give their hearts entirely to Him in return for such a grace. A happy day, indeed! I imagine the angels watching lovingly and intently as the Sacred Host is laid reverently upon the children’s tongues. As the saints tell us: If the angels were capable of envy, they would envy us for one thing—Holy Communion!
Friday is really a Gertrudian Feast Day that we should all try to observe! It is the feast of the Sacred Heart. Our Lord said that we can find Him in the heart of Gertrude. I think, too, that we will find Gertrude in the Heart of Jesus. These two hearts were inseparable. Come, make reparation to the Heart that has loved us so much. Receive your Communion of Reparation, and bring the First Communicants to receive again on that day.
I leave this Friday to Seattle where I will give Confirmation to some of Fr. Ercoli’s parishioners, then preach a retreat to the priests, beginning after next Sunday. I am glad that Fathers Lehtoranta, Simpson, and Brueggemann will all be attending the retreat this year. This year’s topic will be St. Paul. This Apostle has so many lessons to offer to the clergy. Please pray for a successful retreat.
Below you will see pictures from Nigeria that were sent to me by Bishop Nkamuke. It is Fr. Ojeka’s final day with his school children as he was saying his goodbye before being transferred to another mission.
I send you a blessing!
– Bishop McGuire