Rosary Sunday

Bishop’s Note
Funny, it was only a year ago at this time that we began receiving news about the fight in Israel—it was October 7th, the feast of the Holy Rosary. Here again within the last week we have been hearing much about possible large scale war and many missiles being launched at Israel—just before Rosary Sunday. I find in this no mere coincidence. The Rosary has always been a sign of victory, a prayer bringing peace, the means of winning souls to God. Pray the Rosary in reparation for sin, for peace between God and man. Unless these two things are done first we mustn’t expect peace among men. Still, Our Lady can hold back the arm of God’s Justice. Turn off the news and pull out your Rosary. The news only causes fear and worry (and who knows how much of it is true anymore!); but we can always trust in Our Lady and the power of her Holy Rosary.

A longtime parishioner, Henry Sieverding, died last week. Fr. Brueggemann has been faithfully taking care of him the last few years. Henry lived a ways away and just wasn’t able to make the long drive, but he continued to nourish his faith through prayer and the sacraments. After the death of his wife, Thelma, and despite his illnesses and his hospitalizations over the years he always, and I mean always, kept a positive outlook and a cheerful attitude. I always admired that about him. Henry’s funeral Mass will take place this Tuesday morning. Come if you can! It is always an act of charity to attend the funeral of a fellow parishioner and to pray that his soul quickly enters heaven.

Wednesday, October 9th, marks the 66th anniversary of Pope Pius XII’s death. That is now 66 years that we have been without a pope. Still, the Church continues to exist. We have every reason for confidence for there is no force on earth or in hell that can destroy her. It is most encouraging to hear St. Ambrose’s words: “The Church is like the moon; it may wane, but never be destroyed; it may be darkened, but it can never disappear.” And St. Anselm’s: “The bark of the Church may be swept by the waves, but it can never sink, because Christ is there.” Pray for the repose of our last true pontiff’s soul and pray for the needs of Holy Mother Church during these days.

The Oblates have finished putting together a short video soliciting funds for a house for them and will put it out soon. What they said is so true! We have to raise money first since everything sells so fast. Ordinarily, we would show you the house and then ask for your support. However, because they do sell so quickly in this area, by the time we showed you the house and raised the money, the house would already have been sold. We will keep you posted on this endeavor and we thank you for your generosity.

Don’t forget to plan in advance to come to the Candlelight Fatima Rosary Procession next week. It is always so beautiful and so very edifying!

– Bishop McGuire