Advent I

The Bishop’s Note
Blessed Advent Sunday to one and all! A new liturgical season, and a new liturgical year, with all of its graces, is now upon us. The words of St. Paul should be in our hearts these days. “Brethren…it is now the hour for us to rise from sleep. For now our salvation is nearer than when we believed…Let us cast off the works of darkness, and put on the armor of light.”

Last weekend’s trip to Mexico was such an edifying one. There were approximately a hundred Confirmations in Tijuana and Mexicali. Fr. Arnoldo Villegas’ apostolate is well organized and very edifying. He not only goes weekly to say Mass in the missions, but works much with the youth in his parish and is, like us, starting up a convent. He has just one Sister at this time. The convent, which still needs a lot of work, is 45 minutes away from the chapel, yet Sister devotes most of her time at church each day doing the type of work that our Oblates do. I can only imagine the sacrifices made on her part! It always seems that the first Sisters have much to endure at the foundation of a new religious congregation (as can be seen throughout the history of missionary sisters). It is all worthwhile in the big picture, but requires much patience and a spirit of sacrifice on their part. Sooner or later, it all comes together—but all in God’s good time.

Another big part of Father’s apostolate is teaching catechism to the youth. This is done mostly on Saturday mornings and he has several teachers to help. The children gave a speech in English and sang some Spanish hymns for the Bishop’s visit, and it was so very edifying. The sweetness of it all reminds me of our school children and how precious a thing is our Catholic youth. This was the first time I had seen such attention being given to the young people in Mexico, a thing which brings much hope for the future of the Church, and which, I believe, will provide many vocations for Mexico. May Our Lady of Guadalupe keep them under her mantle.

Fr. Arnoldo would like to visit St. Gertrude’s again at some point. It has been several years since he was last here and it would be a very welcome visit. Speaking of visitors, Bishop Nkamuke seems to be enjoying his stay with us and has been making the rounds to many of our parishioners. He is going to Seattle to see Fr. Ercoli this weekend, and will come back just in time to depart for Nigeria the next day.

Don’t forget the Rorate Masses in honor of Our Lady this week. They are early, but perhaps you could make one of them as an Advent sacrifice. If you cannot, though, we still offer plenty of daily Masses to choose from, and attendance at Holy Mass is a great way to prepare for the coming of our Lord!

– Bishop McGuire