The Bishop’s Note
Gaudete Sunday, the Third Sunday of Advent, is here already. We always seem to think these penitential seasons pass by much too quickly. This year, however, it has been a rather heavy Advent and really does seem to have passed by with barely a thought of Advent, with so much attention being paid to Fr. Thielen during his last illness, death, and burial. This all started the day before Advent began. On the bright side, it is clear that God wanted us to spend this season just as Providence arranged it. As the prayer says: Providence can provide; Providence does provide; Providence will provide.
The choir sounded wonderful during the funeral Mass. The Introit (from Mozart’s Requiem) was very nice. Speaking of the choir, I would like to thank them for all that they do to make Holy Mass so much more beautiful by their singing, as well as Andrew Richesson’s organ playing. The amount of work that the choir does is much appreciated. I count roughly half the days out of the next thirty that include practice or singing of some sort or another. Considering they all have families and jobs and still practice so much speaks very highly of them. It is a labor of love. If you are a choir director, organist, choir member, or member of the parish schola—THANK YOU. Continue your work for love of God, for it is He who will reward you very highly.
Thank you also to all who have helped at all during these last couple of weeks. I will not try to name everyone, but just know that your work and assistance has not been unnoticed.
As mentioned earlier, today is Gaudete Sunday, or Rejoicing Sunday. Take some time today to recall God’s gifts to you and your families. There is so much to rejoice over. We just have to remember God’s goodness toward us.
Be assured of my prayers for your perseverance!
– Bishop McGuire