The Holy Family

The Bishop’s Note
The Good God sent us quite the snowstorm this past week. Sure, many of you come from the snowy north and are used to having a lot more snow, but this is Cincinnati, and normally we do not see more than a couple of inches per winter. A few people came for First Vespers of the Epiphany, but only two souls came for the evening Mass—not enough to justify a priest having to binate, so we gave them Holy Communion. They seemed to be very understanding! Monday, the feast of the Epiphany, came, but the man who plows our parking lot did not. It turns out that he had not slept for about 36 hours and was busy just clearing out hospital parking lots. Thankfully, one of our neighbors very graciously cleared the snow for us. We were not sure how many would come for the Epiphany ceremonies and Appreciation Dinner afterwards. Despite the weather and road conditions, eighty souls came. Many thanks to the families of our servers and choir for your sacrifice!

Fr. Romero never made it to Cincinnati due to flight cancellations; Fr. Ercoli was here, but not for very long, as he drove to Michigan the day after his arrival and then came back late Sunday evening as we were preparing for ceremonies, so there wasn’t much time for visiting, unfortunately.I hope they come back for a visit. Our seminarians, Alfonso (Poncho) Capetillo and Chris Brueggemann returned to Seattle on Monday to resume classes. It was good to see them both.

Kirby Bischel’s funeral was on Wednesday, as you already know. Wasn’t the eulogy a good one?! Truly, Kirby was a fixture in our church. If there was a Mass or a parish celebration, he was there. Over the years, he and Jean did a lot of “behind-the-scenes” work merely by their friendly and encouraging conversations in Helfta Hall. Newcomers always felt welcome if those two were around to greet them! What was most impressive about the day was to see Kirby’s grandsons serving at the altar and back at the organ. Kirby will be missed by many, but we hope to be reunited one day—that time in the Church Triumphant! Eternal rest grant unto him, O Lord! And let perpetual light shine upon him.

Fr. Simpson and I are off to Mexico in a few days to join Fr. Alfredo Contreras and his priests for Confirmations in Guadalajara and Colima. This land is very beautiful, not only for its terrain, but even more for its rich Catholic history. It is the land of the Christeros. When one thinks of the Sacrament of Confirmation, what words come to mind? For me, it is these words: Fidelity, Loyalty, Courage. Fidelity to whom? Well, to Christ Himself. Courage for what? Courage to stand up for the rights of God. Isn’t that what the Christeros were all about?! Viva Christo Rey!

– Bishop McGuire