The Bishop’s Note
The priestly retreat in Seattle is now over (it is Friday as I write this) and most of the visiting clergy have gone home. There is only one other priest remaining in Seattle besides myself, Fathers Ercoli and Romero, as all have returned to their respective chapels to care for their people this weekend. I will hopefully have made it back to Cincinnati by Saturday evening. I trust that the Holy Ghost and Our Lady made it a fruitful retreat for the priests.
Poor Fr. McKenna has been sick all week long but has taken care of all the Masses and devotions alone while everyone was away. I did not hear much from him so I expect no news is good news. Fr. Lehtoranta is back now and well rested, I hope.
My trip to St. Hugh’s was very short but a nice one. I noticed that a lot of changes occurred in one year. The bishop is always the last to know, Bishop Dolan used to always say. How right he was! We have lots of new people there, including young families; and Keith Kimpel, who has done such beautiful wood work for St. Hugh’s over the years, has nearly finished the sacristy. He made some new cabinets, thurible hangers, and put in some shelves for our reliquaries and whatnot. We had about five confirmations on Sunday and enrolled some in the Confraternity of the Brown Scapular.
I really have no other news to report on at this time since I have been in the world of priestly retreat. Pray for our priests and for more vocations to the priesthood and religious life. I send you a blessing.
– Bishop McGuire