Bishop’s Note
We surely have had some magnificently beautiful weather lately, haven’t we!? Lots of sunshine, the prettiest blue skies, even warmer temperatures…the trees are even blooming. What a turnaround from the gloomy, overcast and rainy days we’ve been having—I honestly cannot remember ever having such a long streak of that kind of weather. The pleasant change in weather cheers the heart and is a subtle reminder of how joy always follows sorrow. God uses His own creation to remind of this fact: Spring follows winter, and the tree sprouts only after the seed has died. He uses the sacred liturgy to remind us of this as well: think of the ceremonies of Candlemas, and the fact that Easter comes after Lent. In Lent, we mortify the “old Adam of sin” that we might live the life of grace. Our Lady of Lourdes told St. Bernadette, “Penance, penance, penance.” She also said those consoling words, “I do not promise to make you happy in this life, but only in the next.” So, if we are faithful unto the end of our life, we will leave this vale of tears and enter into eternal life, where God will wipe away all tears. What lessons we can learn from God if we only keep open the eyes of faith.
Today is Fr. McKenna’s twelfth priestly anniversary. I am very glad that Our Lord has sent Father to us. He has always been a good friend, but even more importantly, a good priest who is zealous for the missions and who does much good for the glory of God and the salvation of souls. I do not know what I would do without him. (I should be safe in writing that since he probably will not read this note! So please don’t tell him I said it or I’ll never hear the end of it. Just kidding!)
Fr. Lehtoranta took the high schoolers on a field trip last weekand, judging by the pictures, it looks like everyone had a fun time. Father plans to take the Sodality of Charity on a field trip sometime later this month. These extracurricular activities are very important since they keep up everyone’s enthusiasm for the Faith and for Catholic education.
I am in Mexico today, but will be back home again tomorrow, God willing. This trip to Mexico is a somewhat unpleasant one as everyone seems to be in disagreement about one thing or another, even accusing each other of witchcraft. I do love Mexico and I certainly have a great fondness for our clergy south of border, but right now the problems there (and in France, for that matter) make our problems here in the US pale in comparison. Say a little prayer for a successful pastoral visit. May Our Lady, Help of Christians, bring peace to us all.
Lent begins this Wednesday and there are many graces on offer and many merits to be earned. Ask the Holy Angels to help you during this penitential season. Like the good St. Michael let your “Quis sicut Deus” (Who is like unto God) cast Lucifer and the rebel angels with their “Non Serviam” (I will not serve) back into the pit of hell. Be as faithful to your Lenten resolutions as the good angels were to God.
– Bishop McGuire