Bishop’s Note
Spring has arrived! The cherry blossom trees have begun blooming and the different critters of God’s creation have returned from warmer climates. In recent days, I’ve noticed a variety of birds in the garden. Which reminds me! the Killdeer should be back soon. They are some of the most interesting birds we have on the property. They lay their eggs in the rocks (the eggs actually blend in quite well there), and if a person gets too close them the mother or father comes swooping down and acts injured, dragging its wing on the ground walking away from the nest in the hopes that the intruder will follow it. I have seen this many times. They also dive-bomb the cats and have chased them under the cars.
The Young children found a small garter snake in their yard on Wednesday and brought it to Miss Mikesell’s class for the day. William got bit when he picked it up in his yard, but said it didn’t really hurt. The Youngs gave it a name which I cannot remember at the moment, but Miss Mikesell changed its name to Jimothy for the day. Hands-on science lessons are always fun!
Many of our servers are moving up in the ranks now. Fr. Lehtoranta has been overseeing the school children’s training while Michael Simpson oversees that of the homeschool children. Our newest torchbearers include Christian and Isaac Wright, Thomas Young, and Charlie McClorey. We will have a couple of new trainbearers during Holy Week—Jude Smith and Marcel Caggeso. It is wonderful to see such enthusiasm in our youngsters!
Speaking of altar servers, the Altar Server Day was a hit, as usual. Fr. Brueggemann gave a nice sermon on the similarities between the duties of the angels and those of the servers at Mass, and even how St. Dominic Savio, once an altar boy himself, was an example to other bad boys in his school. There will always be some mischief even in good Catholic schools, as can be seen from the life of this saint. If children are taught Catholic discipline and virtue at home they will know how to deal with the bad example of companions in school, with the help of teachers and clergy of the school. While Catholic educators limit bad influences as much as they can, it cannot be prevented a hundred percent of the time. Just take a look at St. John Bosco’s Oratory for examples. However, the good example of one good child can go a long way!
Holy Week is fast approaching! We have included a detailed schedule of ceremonies so that you can begin your own planning. May the angels inspire you to come, first of all, and then to attend well these beautiful and ancient ceremonies of the Church!
– Bishop McGuire